8 Things Nobody Tells You About Traveling In Nepal

Nepal, a land of Himalaya with Snowy Mountain peaks reaching into the sky, gently yelling yak and mule, and fluttering prayer flags. Moreover, Nepal is filled with shimmering lakes nestled in mountain peaks, dense jungles, bathing rhinoceroses, and chanting monks with prayer flags in monasteries. The lure of Mount Everest is being a weird fascination of all travelers across the world. Mount Everest was first ascent by respected Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenjing Norgay Sherpa. The major second attractive mountain is mount Annapurna, lots of visitor visit each year.

  1. Nepalese are very well dressed and have amazing hair

Nepalese people have incredible hair i.e. silky and black hair. Mostly people use herbal essence products to wash their hair. The hairstyle looks very cool and carefully cut and impeccably styled. They also dress very well whether it is religious custom or regular street clothes. They look like they just stepped out of the pages of Nepal fashion.

The major generalizations in clothing of Nepal is either a custom religious clothes or a regular street clothes; you can find everywhere from Kathmandu to the smallest villages you rolled.

cultural dress of Nepal
Nepali Traditional Dress (Credit: handicrafts in Nepal)

2. The Air Quality in Mountain Area is Very Good.

The air quality of capital of Nepal is quite terrible according to the Air Quality Index of Nepal. But if you visit the hilly or mountainous region the air quality is very good. You can breathe a quality of air in these area because these regions are rarely touched by industrial area and automobiles. Hilly region is fully covered by dense jungles and fast flowing white river, the more jungles the quality air you will breathe. But in Kathmandu, if you explore the city, we will suggest you to wear a breathing mask i.e. N95 or N99.

traveling in Nepal
Hill & Mountain of Nepal (Credit: nepalarmy.mil.np)

3. Nepal is Still Healing from a Civil War

In Nepal, there was a civil war before 14 years ago which was lasted for around 12 years. Like all wars, it was horrible and brutal. The main reasons of the war is to bring communism upon monarchy – and on at least one mysterious occasion, monarchy vs monarchy. It ended with a peace agreement that combined both groups, who are each represented in Nepal’s current government. Since 14 years, Nepal has been at peace. But the country as a whole is still repairing itself. The scars from the Civil War is still on developing process.

4. Nepal is a Developing Country

Technically the kingdom of Nepal was formed in the 1760’s, comparing to the USA the country itself is an older than USA. Although Nepal is older than USA, it is still a developing country considered by the United Nations. The average income of Nepalese people is US $ 745 annually. Also the Nepal is in progressing way for its development, the fact of the matter is that, it is still a poor country.

Tourism is the largest industry of income in Nepal because of its topographical structure. The country is full of mountains and high hills. Each year, the government of Nepal brings the conference for online travel media like practicalwanderlust to attract more visitors. By doing so, more visitors play an important role for the development of people’s lifestyle in a country. Nepal wants to welcome a lot of tourist in affordable rates and with a warm fuzzy feeling.

5. There is So Much More to See in Nepal than Mount Everest!

Nepal is a land of Himalaya, the major attraction of Nepal is mountain that are above 8000 meters above the sea level. Besides that Nepal offers a UNESCO world heritage sites like Pashupatinath Temple, Swoyambhu Nath Stupa, Durbar Squares and many more adventurous sports like Bungee Jump, Canyoning, Rafting, and so on. You will see the ancient sculpture of gods and goddess in these sites and yes, without any doubt Lord Gautama Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal and Swyambhu Nath is its one index.

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Patan Durbar Square

Furthermore, if you want to know about the historical background of Nepal then surely you can visit the Durbar Squares of Kathmandu & Patan. There is a museum where all the history of Shah Dynasty is preserved. King Prithivi Narayan Shah was the role model who unified the broken Nepal into a greater Nepal.

Similarly, Nepal offers some of the adventurous activities too. If you dare to jump from the cliff then there are bungee spot in Nepal. If you want to raft a boat in fast flowing river then there are lots of spot like Bhotekoshi river, Sunkoshhi river, and Trishuli river. Your visit in Nepal can be a worth if you explore city of Nepal.

6. Kathmandu Has Its Own Version Of Uber, But For Moto taxis

You can hire a taxi or a motorbike through an app called Tootle or Pathao and its way cheaper (slightly more terrifying) than booking with physical appearance. The total cost will be depend upon the kilometer you traveled. All the taxis that you booked through online are equipped with a/c. You have to pay the taxi fare individually although you have a group of friends. And we highly recommend you to wear a medical mask to be safe from pollution.

7. Nepal Has The Highest Peak And Deepest George.

The highest peak of Nepal is Mount Everest whereas the deepest George is Kali Gandaki George and both of them lies in the Himalayas of Nepal. Kali Gandaki George lies in the Annapurna region and Mount Everest lies in Everest region. Recently, a new study has shown that the height of Mt Everest is 8848.68 meters resulting again a highest mountain of the world. Besides highest peaks the kali gandaki George is also called “Thak Khola”. It was named after the local thakali people who became prosperous from trans-Himalayan trade.

traveling in Nepal
Kaligandaki George (Credit: wikipedia)

8. Nepal Is Home To A Huge Variety Of Wild Animals!

There is no doubt, Nepal’s jungle is a home to a wide variety of wild animals like tiger, rhinoceros, gharial crocodile and varieties of birds too. Nepal has amazing wildlife diversity and all the creatures have right to live their life in their own way.   

Pair of Vulture in Nepal
Pair of Vulture ( Credit: birdlifenepal)